I want to thank everyone who sent messages of support through the blog, Twitter, Facebook, email…I still haven’t been able to get what was said/sent as the first couple of days after someone dies are busy, but my aunt and I are incredibly grateful for everyone who’s reached out.

Some of the next couple of days will be catching up, but the last few days have been incredibly busy, so please don’t be upset if you haven’t gotten an immediate reply.
In addition to handling the funerary details (mom will be cremated, in Taylor of all places), the aunt and I have been navigating a sea of phone calls made to doctors/insurance/financial companies/etc., and the clean-up company came to clean the mom’s room where she passed, and…
48 hours ago, mom died. 72 hours ago, she was very alive and very sick. A week ago, I was coming home from Traverse City. And now mom’s room is barren of personal details and cleaned down to the sub-floor. Both my aunt and I have had long cries realizing the finality of the fact that mom isn’t just going to come home or sneak out of her room in the night. She managed to wander off while we weren’t looking one last time.
We also take great solace in the belief that my mother and my father are reunited. My dad died in 1992 at only 44 years of age, and they spent 27 years apart. My mother and father really adored each other in love and friendship, and I would like to believe that they are no longer apart.
I’m not sure when I’m going to get back to blogging yet. We’re still navigating the maze that is placing a loved one’s affairs in order, never mind grieving the loss of a mother and sister. I can’t really say how long things will take because we have so many pathways to navigate.
Because mom is being cremated, we’re going to have a small memorial and eventually send her off the pier in Grand Marais, but those are long-term plans. Right now it’s about getting her affairs in order. That’s a gargantuan task for such a small little lady.

I can only say that I miss hockey and I miss interacting with you in a hockey-covering capacity, and again, I am incredibly grateful for your support during an incredibly difficult time–and losing a parent for the second time is just as hard as the first time, that’s for sure.