WOOD TV’s Matt Jaworowski “looks back” at the Red Wings’ trip to Marquette Prison back in 1954:
After a 5-1 win over the Blackhawks, the Red Wings took to the skies and headed north. They checked into a hotel and had lunch before being escorted to the prison for the afternoon scrimmage.
Any concerns the players had about entering the prison grounds were quickly put to rest. They were welcomed as heroes and celebrated for being willing to make the trip north and appease some hardened hockey fans.
Despite temperatures hovering around 20 degrees, virtually the entire prison turned out to watch the game. According to the Marquette Mining Journal, outside of a few stragglers, the only prisoners who did not attend the game were those stuck in solitary confinement.
Even during the game, which proved to be lopsided, the mood was “cheerful” on both sides. A ragtag group of inmates were no match for the Detroit Red Wings, a team that featured eight future Hall of Famers and would go on to win the Stanley Cup a few months later.
Depending on the source, the score of the scrimmage was never close. One source said the Red Wings won 18-0. Another said 9-0, and a third said 8-2. The Associated Press, possibly to save the inmates from embarrassment or deciding to stop the count early, said the Wings won 5-2.