Meet the Pochmaras

The Free Press’s Jeff Seidel posted a lovely column about the Pochmara family. Red Wings usher Pat Pochmara happens to be the father of two referees in Brian Pochmara, who refereed Saturday afternoon’s game between the Red Wings and Lightning, and Barry Pochmara, who refereed Saturday night’s game between Michigan and Michigan State:

While Brian was officiating the [Red Wings] game, Pat had his own official duties in LCA, working as an usher at Portal 54.

Which would be a cool story on its own — a dad working as an usher in the same arena at the same time his son was working as a ref?

But wait.

That’s only half of it.

In the nightcap of this amazing day — at least for the Pochmara family — Pat’s son (and Brian’s brother), Barry, was a ref for the MichiganMichigan State hockey game at LCA, while his dad, once again, worked as an usher.

Somebody call Guinness Book of World Records because this must be a first — at least, it was for the Pochmara family.


Published by

George Malik

My name is George Malik, and I'm the Malik Report's editor/blogger/poster. I have been blogging about the Red Wings since 2006, and have worked with MLive and Kukla's Korner. Thank you for reading!