Time for the fundraising rubber to meet the road

Okay, folks, it’s time for the rubber to meet the road in the fundraising department.

We’re four full weeks from the point at which my 82-year-old Aunt Annie and I are supposed to head up to Traverse City in a rented car, and stay in a heavily-discounted handicapped-accessible hotel room, so that I can be in place to bring you reports regarding the Red Wings’ truncated prospect tournament and training camp.

We also need to fund the web server by the 31st of this month, and at present, we’ve got $276.77 in my Venmo account (where I’m keeping my server and TC money) and $10 in the GoFundMe.

Those are not ideal numbers for a $4,500-5,000 trip. And yes, I know it costs a ton to accommodate my 82-year-old, who’s a couple months out from double hip replacement surgery. I don’t really have a choice–Aunt Annie has to come up with me, because I’m her only caregiving option.

I understand that many of you have been enjoying your summertime activities and not following the offseason on a day-to-day basis, which is okay, but if you’re thinking about donating to our efforts to head up to Traverse City, now’s the time.

Regardless of whether your donation is big or small, we take ’em all, and now’s the time to really hit the fundraising drum here, because right now, it doesn’t look like we’re going.

If you’re willing to lend a hand, have an official GoFundMe fundraiser page at https://gofund.me/c08de120; we have a PayPal option at https://paypal.me/TheMalikReport; there’s Venmo at https://venmo.com/george-malik-2; if you’re into the, “I don’t want to use any of those pages” option, here’s always the Giftly option by using my email, rtxg@yahoo.com, at https://www.giftly.com

And in the banking options, you can contact me via email if you want to send me a paper check, or “Zelle” me via my email, rtxg@yahoo.com. I’m also on Cash App under “georgeums.”

As always, thank you for your readership and your time.

Published by

George Malik

My name is George Malik, and I'm the Malik Report's editor/blogger/poster. I have been blogging about the Red Wings since 2006, and have worked with MLive and Kukla's Korner. Thank you for reading!