Raising the fundraising call

We kicked off the annual fundraising push in order to cover the costs of server renewal on August 31st and attending the truncated prospect tournament and main training camp starting on September 14th some two days ago, and…

Things went about as well as a fundraiser for hockey-related items go on the last couple of days of July. I heard crickets chirping in terms of the GoFundMe and every other fundraising option.

I’m not certain how exactly to indicate to you that the blog is worth sponsoring in terms of both ensuring its existence going forward (via covering the server fees) and sending myself and my 82-year-old aunt, for whom I must provide daily care, to training camp.

I’ve just gone about my business and posted content, understanding that it is late July/early August, and that it’s going to be a long shot to raise the approximately $5,000-5,500 necessary to make everything happen.

I hope that you’ll consider lending a hand in this regard. That’s all I can ask on a blog that doesn’t exist without generous donations of all amounts from its readers.


If you’re willing to lend a hand, we have an official GoFundMe fundraiser page; we have a PayPal option at https://paypal.me/TheMalikReport; there’s Venmo at https://venmo.com/george-malik-2; if you’re into the, “I don’t want to use any of those pages” option, here’s always the Giftly option by using my email, rtxg@yahoo.com, at https://www.giftly.com

You can contact me via email if you want to send me a paper check, or “Zelle” me via my email, rtxg@yahoo.com. And I’m also on Cash App under “georgeums.”

Let’s see what we can accomplish together.

Published by

George Malik

My name is George Malik, and I'm the Malik Report's editor/blogger/poster. I have been blogging about the Red Wings since 2006, and have worked with MLive and Kukla's Korner. Thank you for reading!