A little quid-pro-prospect

Good morning, everybody.

I’ve been immersed in the caregiving process for the past couple of months as my aunt has recovered from double hip replacement surgery, but the draft and free agency are coming…

And I’d like to be able to at least get to the Red Wings’ summer development camp after the draft to do some work for you.

Regrettably, my 18-year-old Chrysler Pacifica’s tailpipe is dragging on the ground in three places, and there are parts falling off under the driver’s side door as well.

As such, it would be optimal if I could rent a vehicle for the five or so days that the Red Wings hold their summer development camp–most likely starting on July 1st or July 2nd–so I’m throwing a Hail Mary pass here with little notice.

Securing a vehicle for a week costs $500-600 including taxes and fees, and there’s a $300 deposit as well. If there is any way that we can defer the costs of renting a car, getting some gas into the vehicle and some food into me, that would be more than “generous compensation” on your behalf.

And if we don’t make the fundraising goals by the end of the week, I’ll just refund your donations.

If you’re willing to take part in this little endeavor, here are the details:

A GoFundMe is not useful in this instance as it can take a week to two weeks for funds to reach me, so: you can use PayPal at https://paypal.me/TheMalikReport, Venmo at https://venmo.com/george-malik-2, Giftly by using my email, rtxg@yahoo.com, at https://www.giftly.com. And you can contact me via email if you want to send me a paper check. Iā€™m also on Cash App under ā€œgeorgeums.ā€

I know I’m springing this one on you at the last minute, but I’m hoping that we can work something out so that a week from now, I’m writing up prospect reports for you.

Thanks for your time!